Serving Hashem

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unsplashAre there colors associated with the 6 days of creation?
View the answer of the Rabbi>>
  • Responsibility for Teshuva Within Our Family: "Does Father Know Best?"
    Teshuva is usually seen from my personal point of view, but Rav Kook deals with the very common problem of taking responsibility to rebuke our children and even our wives/husbands, to purify the spiritual atmosphere of our homes. This issue is seldom dealt with, and the class deals with many practical suggestions and solutions how to politely rebuke without having it be counterproductive.
  • Teshuva Is the Answer
    This last Sedra of the year, Nitzavim, seems perfect as a precursor to Rosh Hashana. The sedra reiterates the bond & covenant we have with the Eternal.
  • "Bring us back in whole-hearted repentance before You”
    There are those who wonder how we can ask God to return us in Teshuva (repentance). After all, Teshuva is our job. I heard once from Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu, that every Teshuva contains an aspect of man and an aspect of the Blessed Creator, Who sends man an awakening to repentance.
  • Fear of Elul
    Right now, faced with the prospect of having to turn my life and my emotions upside down, I go into a panic that results in total spiritual paralysis. Fear of Elul.
  • Our Generation's "Teshuva From Love"
    Why will this special Messianic generation, of all generations, be in such a sorry spiritual and material state? Logically when Israel improves its ways, they will be worthy of Redemption – so why will it actually be a period of spiritual crisis and other troubles?
  • National (vs. Individual) T'Shuva
    What "national t'shuva" is, how it differs from individual t'shuva, and why it takes precedence in this generation.
  • T'shuva - It's Not What You Think
    one of the elderly Russian women asked Rav Kook's mother, "Tell me, please: We're on our way to the Holy Land to meet our god, but why would you Jews be going there? Mrs. Kook answered without hesitation: "You're going to visit a dead god, but we're going to meet the living G-d."
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